Multiple Plutons Can Coalesce (Merge) to Form a(N) ________.

Assignment three.Please review the course web site for access dates: Click on the begin button to access the assignment and submit your answers. This covers Unit 3 Forces Within in the textbook (Chapters 5, 6, and vii). Chapters 5, six, and 7 are very inter-related so some answers may be found in more i affiliate.

MULTIPLE Pick. Choose the one alternative that best completes the argument or answers the question. (1 point each)

1) Amidst the following choices, the closest friction match for the East Pacific Rising is ________.
A) the Mariana Trench            B) the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
C) the San Andreas Mistake         D) the Appalachian Mountains

2) Continental rifts are associated with ________ plate boundaries.
A) transform    B) convergent  C) divergent     D) all kinds of

3) Linear, magnetic patterns associated with mid-ocean ridges are configured every bit ________.
A) normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly parallel to the ridge
B) normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly perpendicular to the ridge axis
C) reversed magnetizations forth the rift valleys and normal magnetizations on the ridge
D) concentric circles virtually a rising plume of hot, mantle rocks and magma

four) In the early office of the twentieth century, ________ argued forcefully for the idea of continental drift.
A) Richard Wagner      B) Alfred Wegener
C) Harry Hess              D) James Hutton

5) A global positioning organisation (GPS) locator at site A reveals that it is moving at ii.1 centimeters per year to the east. A second GPS locator is tracking site B, which is moving at 2.0 centimeters per yr to the westward. What sort of plate boundary is this?
A) convergent
B) divergent
C) transform
D) impossible to tell based on this information alone

6) Most of the world's ________ line(s) up along plate tectonic boundaries.
A) volcanoes               B) very young oceanic chaff
C) earthquakes            D) all of the higher up


Mount Hood (pictured) is function of the Pour Range. These active volcanoes are a chain that stretches along the w coast from northern California to southern British Columbia, Canada. The Cascades are ________.

A) evidence of rifting of the North American continent
B) evidence of subduction in the Pacific Northwest of the United states of america
C) a product of the San Andreas Fault
D) due to a hot spot beneath Seattle

Make full in the blank. Write the give-and-take or phrase that all-time completes each statement or answers the question. (1 point each)
Examine the image. It shows ________, a freshwater reptile whose fossils Alfred Wegener cited as show of continental migrate.

9) The North American plate is currently ________ in size.

x) Some kind of ________ (upward motion of less dense material and downward movement of more dense material) appears to bulldoze the motion of plates.

11) Alaska's Aleutian Islands formed equally function of a(northward) ________ along a(n) ________ boundary.

12) Slabs of oceanic lithosphere sink at subduction zones considering the subducted slab is denser than the underlying asthenosphere. In this procedure, called ________, Earth'south gravity tugs at the slab, cartoon the rest of the plate toward the subduction zone.

xiii) ________ was a supercontinent that existed in the late Paleozoic era of geologic time.

#9-13 Vocabulary (extra words and/or phrases are included, not all volition be used)

volcanic island arc
slab pull
slab push button

MULTIPLE Choice.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. (i point each)

Examine the graph. Subsequently a P moving ridge (blueish line) has been traveling for 5 minutes, how much altitude has been covered by an Due south moving ridge (red line) generated past the same earthquake?
A) 1200 km     B) 2500 km     C) 3100 km     D) 1900 km

15) Which one of the post-obit is true of about tsunamis?
A) Their wave heights decrease and wavelengths increase as they move into shallower h2o.
B) They are usually started by sudden movement on a megathrust mistake, and have wavelengths that are many kilometers long and moving ridge heights of less than a meter.
C) They but occur in the Pacific Bounding main basin.
D) They are faster than seismic surface waves.

16) Which kind of seismic wave is responsible for the almost shaking (and thus, the most damage to human structures)?
A) surface waves         B) scarp waves            C) S waves       D) P waves

17) With regard to earthquakes, what distinguishes intensity from magnitude?
A) Intensity is a measure of how much free energy is released past the earthquake, but magnitude is a rough mensurate of local shaking.
B) Magnitude cannot be measured from a altitude using seismograms.
C) Magnitude is a measure out of how much energy is released by the earthquake, merely intensity is a crude measure of local shaking.
D) Intensity and magnitude both depend on people reporting their experiences.

18) How did the Himalayas form?
A) stretching of the crust to produce mistake cake mountains
B) collision of Bharat and Eurasia
C) collision and accretion of many minor terranes including isle arcs and microcontinents
D) movement on a strike-slip mistake

  19) Where is the epicenter of an earthquake?
A) wherever we detect the most damage from the earthquake
B) on Globe's surface, straight above the hypocenter
C) where the stone on either side of a fault moves
D) where the error meets Earth'due south surface

What kind of dip-slip fault is illustrated in this effigy?
A) thrust fault              B) reverse fault                        C) normal fault                        D) strike-sideslip fault

Fill in the blank. Write the give-and-take or phrase that all-time completes each statement or answers the question. (1 point each)
21) ________ are subversive body of water waves induced by earthquakes.

22) In general, buildings synthetic on ________ fare better in an earthquake than buildings constructed on ________, equally this cloth amplifies seismic shaking.

23) Horsts and grabens are bounded by ________.

24) The difference between a continent and a microcontinent is ________.

25) The ________ is a layer in Earth's interior that is in a liquid state.

26) Earth has ________ distinct kinds of crust.

27) ________ are accreted crustal fragments that have distinct geologic histories from that of the adjoining crust.

#21-27 Vocabulary (actress words and/or phrases are included, non all will exist used)

normal faults
reverse faults
outer core
inner cadre
parasitic cones
solid boulder
loose sediments

MULTIPLE Choice.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. (1 point each)
28) Which type of basaltic lava catamenia has a fairly smooth, unfragmented, ropy surface?
A) pahoehoe    B) scoria          C) pumice        D) aa


Parícutin is an case of a ________.

A) shield volcano        B) cinder cone             C) volcanic cervix          D) composite volcano


Mauna Loa, a volcano in Hawaii, is an excellent example of a ________.
A) shield volcano        B) volcanic neck          C) cinder cone            D) composite volcano

  31) Multiple plutons can coalesce (merge) to form a(n) ________.
A) batholith                 B) dike            C) sill               D) neck

32) Which of the following factors help determine whether a volcanic eruption will be violent or relatively quiescent?
A) temperature
B) amount of dissolved gases in the lava
C) composition of the lava
D) all of the above

33) If you want to melt a rock, even partially, there are three methods you can employ. Which of the post-obit is NOT a way that melting is triggered in rocks in the Earth?
A) adding water                                   B) adding rut
C) releasing pressure                D) removing water

34) The Columbia Plateau in the northwestern U.s. is an excellent case of ________.
A) pyroclastic flow deposits                B) flood basalts
C) an eroded shield volcano                D) a caldera

Fill in the bare. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
35) The difference between lava and magma is lava is institute ________ Earth's surface; whereas magma is ________ the surface.
36) ________ are pyroclastic materials, over two.5 inches  in diameter, ejected from volcanoes as liquid droplets; they cool and grade a solid crust before they country.
37) ________ is type of basaltic lava flow has its surface covered with sharp-edged, athwart blocks and rubble.
38) The Year Without A Summer (1816) was triggered by the eruption of ________ in 1815 and that volcano's explosive injection of sulfate particles into the stratosphere, screening out incoming sunlight.
Shiprock, New Mexico, is a classic example of ________.
xl) When magma intrudes other rocks, information technology may ________ before reaching the surface, producing intrusions called plutons.
#35-40 Vocabulary (extra words and/or phrases are included, not all volition be used)

lava bombs
lava tubes
at or virtually
Mount Tambora
absurd and crystallize/solidify
Mount Saint Helens
Pyroclastic material
a volcanic neck
a blended volcano
evaporate and turn to gas

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